Roulette system
Roulette Tips
-Part Two-
Roulette Equations
I am not planning to go
deep into the concept of a complete equation for roulette but wanted to
highlight a couple of useful and simple equations which the roulette researcher
would often use.
One of the most frequent
calculations I used to make related to how far the roulette wheel will move
over a set period of time. We use this information often because we want to
locate hot spots on the wheel at a given moment in order to nicely position our
bets so they meet the ball on landing. We would need to know how far the wheel
will move between a particular moment in the spin and the landing.
It could also apply to
the whole spin where we want to know how far the wheel will rotate during the
entire spin.

To make the simple
calculation you take the total time of the set period and divide it by the
wheel speed. This will provide you with the exact number of revolutions that
the wheel will travel during the set period. So, if the wheel is travelling at
a revolution per two seconds and the total time of say the whole ball spin is
12 seconds then, by dividing the 12 by the 2 we find that the wheel would move
exactly 6 revolutions, and more significantly that the exact same number would
be under a particular pin at both the start and end of the spin.
Ok, so this doesn’t
allow for wheel deceleration but hopefully you will see from the next section
that this is not too serious and if there was any impact it would be very
simple to adjust for.
The same calculation can
be greatly extended to perhaps include the bounce factor being added in, making
the equation … 12 sec.(total time of spin) divided by 2 seconds (wheel
revolution time) Plus 0.33 revolutions which would be adding a bounce factor
of plus 12 (12 number pockets being .033 of the wheel or 1/3rd of
the wheel.

Roulette Wheel Deceleration
Roulette wheel
deceleration rates will vary from wheel to wheel and is an important factor in
playing winning roulette.
The good news is that
there is a small conflict of interest here between Casinos and their Roulette
wheel manufacturers in that the manufacturers like to use and show off the most
modern technologies such as perfect bearings and balance. Such well balanced
wheels will rotate for ages, showing very small amounts of deceleration,
sometimes to the point where it looks more like a test for perpetual motion,
which isobviously better for the player than the casino, as it takes one more
variable out of the game.
Of course there are many
wheels out there that are 10 and 20 years old that will show varying levels of
deceleration and this is certainly considered in all the Jafco systems, whether
playing roulette visually or mechanically.

Roulette Wheel Speed Drift
The basic objective of
timing or assessing the roulette wheel speed is to enable a bet position that
arrives at the landing pin at the same moment as the ball. If the ball is
bouncing longer than normal then this approaching bet position can simply be
moved backward from the pin by the player.
There is a situation
where the final bet position is not exactly where you expect it to be, despite
doing everything else according to plan. In this instance it may be down to
variations in the roulette rota deceleration, occurring at different speeds of
wheel. This is commonly known as wheel speed drift, though this is not
something I am familiar with in terms of my own systems and this is because I
believe that it arises primarily from miss timing but also because the
deceleration issue has not been properly considered.
With mechanical roulette
wheel timing there is one obvious pitfall that some developers overlook. The
basic problem arises when testing for wheel deceleration, in that the clocker
will click each time the zero goes past a pin and that by assessing a number of
these revolutions the computer can work out the deceleration rate, and indeed
it can but only if programmed correctly.
When you think about
deceleration rates being calculated in this way the key problem lies in the
fact that right from the start, the wheel speed time would be incorrect in that
the wheel is slowing down during the first revolution, whilst being timed. If
the revolution time is say 1 rev per 4 seconds then it was probably faster than
that at the beginning of the revolution and slower than that by the end. This
would cause roulette wheel speed drift.
With the Jafco Pred7
software we approach the issue differently and apply an exact deceleration rate
that applies per second from the very first second of the spin. The rate can
also be tweaked by very small amounts to create very accurate results.
When we viewed this so
called problem from a visual playing perspective we devised a method that would
be least affected by roulette wheel speed drift and resolving this was simple.
Like a roulette computer clocker the visual player will also look first at the
wheel speed and then the ball. However, unlike the roulette clocker the visual
system player does not apply his wheel speed until he selects his bet from the
wheel itself later in the spin. The computer will not find its bet numbers on
the wheel and it will be working its calculations based on your first click on
the Zero, far earlier in the spin.
The benefit for the
visual player is that if he is 0.2 seconds out on his wheel speed time then
that inaccuracy will only come into play when he selects his bet, which for the
visual player may only be about 6 or 7 seconds from the spin end. So even
though the spin lasted 12 seconds the wheel speed inaccuracy was only affective
for the last 6 or 7 seconds.
Another interesting
advantage for the visual player is that they will time all the wheel speeds
over the same set time period (counting//vibrations) adding great consistency
and accuracy to the system. We don’t use the zero to zero type of timing where
you can imagine how a wheel timed over a 2 second period will decelerate less
than a slower wheel where it takes say 4 seconds to time a full revolution.
This would cause roulette wheel speed drift.

Roulette wheel
There is nothing
particularly complex about the maths covering the calculation of wheel speed
but the important aspect is an individual’s ability to be accurate, often
determined by personal levels of hand eye co ordination.
For me, the roulette
wheel speed has always been more about how the different speeds create
individual hot spots especially when also considering the landing points of the
ball and other factors.
Roulette wheel speed
will also impact on other areas of the game. I carried out a bounce study on a
couple of wheels a number of years ago and I did many spins starting with a
stationary roulette wheel and progressing through to a very fast roulette
wheel. The results were almost exactly as one might predict in that the average
bounce increased exactly in tune with the increase in wheel speed.
Any small inaccuracies
or variations will always be exaggerated on a faster wheel. If the wheel speed
is inaccurate by 0.2 seconds then the final bet position will be more adrift
with a faster wheel. Or if the ball arrived 0.3 seconds later than predicted
then again the resulting bet position would be affected more on a faster
wheel. Bear in mind that these are all just useful factors and not intended to
suggest that slow wheels are better than fast as this is not necessarily the
case. There is always a combination of factors being considered at any given
moment and the more aware and well informed we are, the easier it is to make
the right playing decisions.
Locating the very best
roulette wheels is just a ‘numbers game’ in that the more wheels you get to see
the more great playing opportunities you will find.
I used to keep an eye
on my International Casino Guide when booking my holidays, which often proved
very worthwhile over the years. There are Casinos on ships, Casinos on
mountains, Casino Cities and casinos in summer and winter resorts. They are all
over most of the world and a great many of them have roulette playing
situations that we like.
I had a great time
touring around Europe a few years ago and must have seen about 500
different wheels. Many were playable andt I was able to travel from the best
wheel to the next best wheel as I went. I met many interesting people and had
many amazing moments. I met a man who was smashing the wheel of fortune at the
Amsterdam Casino, I saw a guy in the Café De Paris who won on every spin and
we could all see this because above his electronic terminal the winners light
would come on after every spin ! The only problem came after a few days when I
realized that he was in fact so addicted he was merely betting on Red and Black
!! and milking the attention of appearing to be winner.

Seeing as many wheels as
possible is always the best policy for a player who wants to find something
special, though it should be said that most casinos have something playable on
offer, especially with the flexibility of the Jafco systems which can exploit
even the less obvious wheel signatures.

Live Roulette
& Electronic Roulette
In more recent years the
casinos have increased their use of electronic betting screens being linked to
a live wheel. The quality of the picture will vary but essentially there are
two types of film; one which has a more digital appearance where the movement
tends to shudder and there is also a film type that has a more smooth type of
appearance where all movements are more viewable.
So, what’s the big deal
about these terminals I hear you ask.
1. When looking
for special roulette wheel characteristics and collecting information it is
always preferable to observe from a distance and a film screen showing the
action is one such way.
2. There is one
betting operation that can never be done at the roulette table but can be done
on a linked electronic screen.
Let’s say that a
variable rota speed was your biggest concern for playing a particular roulette
system. In this situation you could set up a wide section bet on the screen
based on an expected wheel speed and then click the cancel button each time the
wheel speed is not what you want. Sounds simple and that’s because it is,
though you do need to know exactly what you are aiming at and why and when !!
3. Professional
roulette players often play in pairs and frequently interact between the live
wheel and the screen. There are many combinations and possibilities in this
area of the game and one should bear in mind that as a general rule the bets
need to be made a moment earlier on the screen compared to being at the wheel.
4. Always keep an
eye out for situations that can develop in seconds. I was once playing at a
wheel that I knew was linked to the electronic screens. The manager decided to
change the ball midway through a winning session and I wasn’t that happy.
However, on looking carefully I noticed that because this new ball was very
different it was landing much earlier than the previous ball had been. Because
they had not reset the electronic eye that called the no more bets I figured
that it may mean that one could bet very late on the machines. Sure enough, I spent
the next two days moving from one machine to another, able to bet Voisins of
Zero or The Tier section right up until the ball was hitting the pin !! It was
amazing for two days and they kept closing the terminals down thinking they
were going faulty one by one, and by the time there were only two terminals
left, they eventually realized. Pro roulette players would refer to this as
situation play and to be good at it, you need to be an opportunist, always on
the look out for a new an interesting angle on the game.
5. Some casinos
still use roulette wheels with an electronic eye on top in order to ‘see’ the
wheel and transfer data to the terminals, such as the winning number etc. These
often have an led light that flickers on as the zero goes by. Naturally this
light that is flashing is also demonstrating the wheel speed as per the time
between the flashes, or zero going past.

Roulette Holy Grail
We have all seen this
subject raised in conversation and on the forums. The definition of the
roulette holy grail is not exactly an easy one but I guess it’s where you can
virtually always predict the exact winner or is it where you are able to in
fact predict all the winners? The point I wish to make is that there is plenty
of great playing without actually finding the holy grail and that to set goals
at such high levels could be a problem in that by setting ones standards to
high a player will overlook some of the slightly less than perfect situations
that still represent very good playing opportunities.
Take it from me, as
someone who has been visually reading the roulette ball for many years, I know
exactly the extent to which it is constantly changing its action and to seek
perfection from this would be a mistake in my view. There is no system that
enables a player to just walk up to any wheel anywhere at anytime and just
expect to win as if on auto pilot. In reality It doesn’t happen like this but
if one sets goals that are within reach then there is every chance that the
player can become a long term winner of roulette and with a very large margin
albeit not winning every spin.
For myself, The Holy
Grail of roulette is to complete my understanding of the strange and wonderful
forces that affect the way in which the roulette ball behaves and although I
shall never reach 100% understanding I would say I was may be 60% of the way
there. I certainly have a clear idea of which conditions I should or shouldn’t
be playing and the best part of my research is that to a extent, these periods
are predictable.

Roulette Counter
Casinos have developed a
wide selection of counter measures against professional roulette players over
the years and there is only one reason for this and one reason
alone……..roulette is not and never has been an entirely random game.
To counter against the
bias number player the casino has a several options.
1. The roulette
wheel can be twisted.
2. The Casino
may swap the roulette wheel with another.
3. The wheel
can simply be thrown out.
4. The roulette
bowl may be swapped between two wheels.
5. Some
roulette wheels have a twistable number plate.
It’s worth noting that
with all the counter measures above the pro-roulette player can still stay one
step ahead of the game, provided they made a note of all the unique marks or
scratches on each wheel. The player can then determine exactly which of the
counter measures above has been utilised.
6. In an attempt
to mix things up the Casino can change the roulette ball, though this is fairly
rare. I have on one occasion even seen the ball being swapped for a broken
roulette ball.

Professionals Act
This is all about
looking like a long term loser even though the force is really going the other
way. This is more important than it sounds and harder than it may seem.
There are some
situations where a short term strategy is most suitable and in this event the
act is important but not as much so as when a long term roulette strategy is
required. When you have a good playing situation locally, it is worth
preserving for the long term potential.
There are a number of
factors when it comes to looking like a loser, and I would know !!
Players are allowed to
keep cash chips back and to use them on another day. It is a good idea to keep
some winning chips as it means less needs to be cashed in and it saves putting
any cash down on the next visit. Other players or friends can cash in chips for
the roulette pro too. I probably walked in with plastic chips on 8 out of every
10 visits to the casino over many years. Sometimes players can cash in chips in
different branches of the same casino chain. Over the long term this saves the
player from having to cash back all the money that he would normally lay down
on the table.
To do this effectively,
it is far better that they don’t know who has the chips at home. So to prevent
this one needs to see which denominations of chips are written down. If you
notice that it is only the $100 chips that are written down then you can ask
to be paid more frequently with £25 chips, which would then go to you
As a pro player it is
important to avoid controversy; things like careless bettin,g resulting in
arguments or hassle with other customers. A low profile is the order of the
day, though some decency towards your favourite roulette dealers is always a
good idea.

Keywords relating to this roulette article; Roulette Holy
Roulette wheel speeds, professional roulette winners
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Jafco. All rights reserved.